Earn up to 26% yearly by staking your crypto

Earn up to 26% yearly by staking your crypto

Earn staking rewards on your cash and crypto twice a week with just a couple of clicks. Instantly unstake at any time with no penalties

Stake with Kraken

Earn up to 10% yearly by staking your crypto

Earn up to 10% yearly by staking your crypto

Earn staking rewards on your cash and crypto twice a week with just a couple of clicks. Instantly unstake at any time with no penalties

Stake with Kraken
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Staking is no longer available for US clients. Click here for more information.

Step 1

Get staking assets

Buy assets or fund your Kraken account with one of the assets that are eligible for staking below.


Step 2

Select an asset to stake

Choose from the available assets in your spot wallet.

Step 3

Earn rewards

You will receive rewards twice a week from your staked assets.

ALGO icon

Algorand (ALGO)

Yearly rewards
1-4% Flexible

*Distributed weekly

ADA icon

Cardano (ADA)

Yearly rewards
2-5% Flexible
TIA icon

Celestia (TIA)

Yearly rewards
8-12% Bonded 21D
3-6% Flexible
ATOM icon

Cosmos (ATOM)

Yearly rewards
14-18% Bonded 21D
6-10% Flexible
DYM icon

Dymension (DYM)

Yearly rewards
2-5% Bonded 21D
1-2% Flexible
ETH icon

Ethereum (ETH)

Yearly rewards
2.5-7% Bonded 8D
1-3% Flexible

*Subject to additional terms and conditions. Learn more

FLR icon

Flare Network (FLR)

Yearly rewards
0.1-2% Flexible
FLOW icon

Flow (FLOW)

Yearly rewards
10-15% Bonded 14D
3-8% Flexible
INJ icon

Injective (INJ)

Yearly rewards
9-12% Bonded 21D
4-7% Flexible
KAVA icon

Kava (KAVA)

Yearly rewards
6-11% Bonded 21D
3-6% Flexible
KSM icon

Kusama (KSM)

Yearly rewards
15-24% Bonded 7D
7-13% Flexible
MINA icon

Mina (MINA)

Yearly rewards
8-14% Flexible
DOT icon

Polkadot (DOT)

Yearly rewards
12-20% Bonded 28D
6-11% Flexible
MATIC icon

Polygon (MATIC)

Yearly rewards
3-6% Bonded 3D
1-3% Flexible

*Distributed weekly

SCRT icon

Secret Network (SCRT)

Yearly rewards
13-18% Bonded 21D
6-10% Flexible
SEI icon

Sei (SEI)

Yearly rewards
3-6% Bonded 21D
1-3% Flexible
SOL icon

Solana (SOL)

Yearly rewards
8-13% Bonded 3D
3-7% Flexible
XTZ icon

Tezos (XTZ)

Yearly rewards
13-20% Bonded 10D
5-10% Flexible
GRT icon

The Graph (GRT)

Yearly rewards
8-13% Bonded 28D
4-7% Flexible

*Not available in the US and Canada

TRX icon


Yearly rewards
3-7% Bonded 14D
1-4% Flexible
BTC icon

Bitcoin (BTC)

Yearly rewards
0.15% Bonded 30D
0.1% Flexible

*Eligible countries only.
Learn more

EUR icon

Euro (EUR)

Yearly rewards
4.45% Bonded 30D
3.5% Flexible

*Eligible countries only.
Learn more

USDG icon

Global Dollar (USDG)

Yearly rewards
5.5% Bonded 5D
USDT icon

Tether (USDT)

Yearly rewards
6.5% Bonded 30D
4.25% Flexible

*Eligible countries only.
Learn more

USD icon

US Dollar (USD)

Yearly rewards
6.5% Bonded 30D
4.25% Flexible

*Eligible countries only.
Learn more

USDC icon


Yearly rewards
6.5% Bonded 30D
4.25% Flexible

*Eligible countries only.
Learn more

What are staking rewards?

You can earn rewards when you stake cryptocurrencies and fiat for a period of time as an incentive to acquire and hold onto staking assets. Some staking coins may require a bonding period. To earn staking rewards, simply select the asset you wish to stake and once it has finished bonding, it will be ready to start staking and earning rewards twice a week from the Proof of Stake process.


The staking rewards rates shown are an estimate, before our commission, and are based on the average staking rewards accrued over the past period.

What is Proof of Stake?

Popular coins like Bitcoin are proof of work, meaning they’re generated by using machines competing to solve complex equations to “mine” coins and digital assets. Proof of Stake works differently by choosing from a pool of people holding the Proof of Stake coin. A Proof of Stake “validator node” can be added to the pool by staking coins for a certain period of time, giving Proof of Stake validators a source of income without needing powerful mining hardware.

Staking coins & cryptocurrencies

These are the types of coins and fiat currencies that you can earn rewards on through Kraken’s staking service. For example, staking coins such as Tezos (XTZ) and Cosmos (ATOM) can be purchased on Kraken and staked to earn rewards.

Any Additional Questions?

Please check our blog post here.

Staking FAQs

  1. How does crypto staking work?

  2. Why do only some cryptocurrencies have staking?

  3. What are the advantages of crypto staking?

  4. How often are staking rewards paid?

Staking rewards disclaimer

Reward rates are subject to change and compliance with Kraken's Terms of Service. These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Some crypto products and markets are unregulated, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position. Geographic restrictions apply.