Home / Buy Crypto / Keep3R

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Sign up to buy KP3R. Start with just $10.

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Millions choose Kraken to buy Keep3rV1. Start with just $10.

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How to buy Keep3rV1

Learn how to buy Keep3rV1 on Kraken’s crypto platform. Create your free account and connect a funding method to buy over 318 cryptocurrencies including KP3R. Kraken makes it quick and easy to get started.


Step 1: Sign up - Provide your email address and country of residence to get started with our secure verification process.


Step 2: Choose a payment method - Send a bank wire, make an ACH purchase, use a credit/debit card or connect several other payment methods.


Step 3: Click "Buy Crypto" - Select “Buy crypto” on either Kraken’s desktop and mobile app to start your purchase.


Step 4: Choose from 300+ assets - Buy Keep3rV1 or select from hundreds of other popular cryptocurrencies available on Kraken today (geo restrictions apply).


Step 5: Enter the cash amount - Input the amount you want to spend using your local currency before previewing how much KP3R you will receive.


Step 6: Complete your order - Confirm the asset price, purchase amount and fees to instantly receive Keep3rV1 in your Kraken account.

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In the past 24 hours, Kraken clients bought 417 KP3R worth $9,732.

Why buy Keep3rV1 with Kraken?

Kraken offers a safe and easy way to get started with crypto. Use our flexible payment methods to buy Keep3rV1 with a credit card, debit card, bank transfer, and more.

Transactions are instant

Buy and sell 200+ cryptocurrencies

Flexible funding options

Enjoy fast and flexible funding options

Kraken level security

Secure your crypto journey with Passkeys

What can you do with Keep3rV1?

With Kraken, you can do more with Keep3rV1. From making your first trade to utilizing our advanced Keep3rV1 pro trading tools, all the Kraken features you need are backed by our robust security features and 24/7 support.


Keep3rV1 rewards

See if you can earn rewards

Trade for NFTs

Trade Keep3rV1 for NFTs

Collect & trade NFTs

Swap Keep3rV1 for other assets

After you buy Keep3rV1, you can trade it for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrencies. Kraken offers over 200 Keep3rV1 trading pairs so you can move in and out of the market with ease.

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Learn more about Keep3rV1

  1. How does Keep3rV1 work?

  2. Where can I buy Keep3rV1?

  3. How much does 1 Keep3rV1 cost?

  4. Can I buy $100 worth of Keep3rV1?

  5. Is it safe to buy Keep3rV1?

  6. Is Keep3rV1 available to buy and sell in my country?

  7. Is Keep3rV1 a good investment?

  8. Can I purchase Keep3rV1 using my local currency?

  9. How much is Keep3rV1 transaction fee?

  10. What is the minimum Keep3rV1 investment?

  11. How to buy Keep3rV1 with PayPal?

  12. How to buy Keep3rV1 with a debit card?

  13. How to buy Keep3rV1 with a credit card?

  14. How to buy Keep3rV1 with other cryptocurrencies?

  15. Can I transfer Keep3rV1 from Kraken to my crypto wallet?

  16. Is it safe to keep Keep3rV1 on Kraken?

  17. What is the current circulating supply of Keep3rV1?

Browse more crypto buying guides

With so many assets to choose from, deciding which crypto to buy can seem overwhelming. We've put together guides for hundreds of top blockchain projects to help you navigate the process from A to Z. Take a look at more buying guides below.

BTC icon

Buy Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world’s top crypto by market cap and has the potential to become a globally accepted digital store of value.

ETH icon

Buy Ethereum

Ethereum (ETH) is a decentralized application network that allows developers to create their own cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other applications.

USDT icon

Buy Tether

Tether (USDT) reserves consist of cash and cash equivalents and other short term deposits, amongst other assets as disclosed by Tether, with the aim to maintain a price of 1 USD per USDT.

XRP icon


XRP (XRP) is a fast and low-cost payment network that is backed by extensive partnerships with some of the world’s largest financial institutions.

ADA icon

Buy Cardano

Cardano (ADA) ​​is powered by Ouroboros, a protocol that its proponents claim has improved upon security, scalability and energy efficiency versus other proof-of-work predecessors, like Bitcoin.

DOGE icon

Buy Dogecoin

Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency focused on developing a strong community that features widespread recognition and a sense of humor.

Popular markets

Kraken lets you trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies beyond Keep3rV1. Check out some of the top trading pairs on Kraken today.

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