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Earn rewards on your crypto
Rewards are available on the assets listed below. Earnings are paid to your account automatically on a weekly basis, in the same asset that earned them.*
Reward rates are subject to change. Participation in the Opt-In Rewards Program involves an element of risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Projected annual rate is based on the average staking rewards accrued over the past 90 days net of applicable fees and is subject to change. For the full terms and conditions, please refer to Kraken’s Terms of Service.
Trade spot and margin. All in one powerful interface.
Low spreads
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Deep liquidity across markets
Easily trade large volumes at stable prices.
High rate limits
Trade crypto fast with our robust, low latency API.
These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Kraken does not and will not work to increase or decrease the price of any particular cryptoasset it makes available. Some crypto products and markets are unregulated, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position. Geographic restrictions may apply.