See what
kraken can be


See what
kraken can be


See what
kraken can be


See what
kraken can be


See what
kraken can be

Buy crypto with Kraken

There are many reasons to buy crypto. There are even more reasons to do it with Kraken.

There are many reasons to buy crypto. There are even more reasons to do it with Kraken.

Kraken and Pro trading apps

Everyone starts somewhere

Everyone starts somewhere

Everyone starts somewhere

The simplest way to get into crypto? That’s us. A platform to empower almost everyone, everywhere to build towards their financial goals? Yeah, also us. Sign up in minutes. Start trading with as little as $10.

Security first, second, and third

Security first, second, and third

Security is everything to us. We have the highest standards of security* around, so your funds (and your privacy) are kept safe at all times. Some say we’re a little paranoid. That’s a-okay with us.

Your funds kept safe
Kraken and Pro trading apps

Security first, second, and third

Security first, second, and third

Security is everything to us. We have the highest standards of security* around, so your funds (and your privacy) are kept safe at all times. Some say we’re a little paranoid. That’s a-okay with us.

Your funds kept safe
Kraken and Pro trading apps

Power up your trades

Our powerful, reliable suite of crypto tools make a million different trades possible. Everything you need to make your next big move.

Customizable tools

Customizable tools


Strong liquidity

Strong liquidity **


Margin trading

Margin trading ***


Image of Kraken analytics

Advanced analytics


Limit orders

Limit orders


Real time data

Real-time data


Chat anytime globally

Kraken has entered the chat

Kraken has entered the chat

Kraken has entered the chat

Got questions? We’re here to help. Our award-winning support team is globally distributed — ready to answer your Kraken and crypto questions 24/7 — online, in the app, whenever you need it.

We’ve been around the block(chain)

We’ve been around the block(chain)

Kraken was founded more than 13 years ago. And since then, we’ve grown into one of the largest, most-respected crypto platforms out there — trusted by 10+ million people from around the world. Thanks, folks.

190+ countries
10m+ clients
310+ assets globally
190+ countries
10m+ clients
310+ assets globally
190+ countries
10m+ clients
310+ assets globally

* External reviews of Kraken’s security practices:

** Kraken offers deep liquidity on the most popular assets. Liquidity will vary depending on the asset. If you want to learn more about our trading liquidity for each trading pair, visit our asset analytics page here.

*** Kraken offers margin trading services with certain geographic and eligibility limitations.