Cardano vs. Ethereum

You may find that Cardano and Ethereum are often compared to each other thanks to both their network’s providing similar offerings.


Developers can use both the Ethereum (ETH) and Cardano (ADA) blockchains for familiar features, including running custom programming logic (smart contracts) and building programs (decentralized applications).


However, they both offer different philosophies to how they approach their design.

Cardano vs Ethereum


Cardano offers a similar platform to Ethereum, but differs in that it emphasizes a research-driven approach to design.




To further understand how these two complex crypto platforms work, use our comparison tool below for a side-by-side comparison of Cardano vs Ethereum.


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The Ethereum white paper was published in late 2013 and the software went live in July 2015. In 2021, the network is scheduled to complete an extensive overhaul of its software that will bring it closer to the completion of its roadmap.

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Cardano was created by technologists Jeremy Wood and  Charles Hoskinson, one of the co-founders of Ethereum.

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Ethereum was created by 19-year-old Vitalik Buterin (with many others contributing to its code). Buterin was previously a founder at the publication Bitcoin Magazine and a 2014 Theil Fellow.

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以太坊ETH (注: 以太经典ETC是以太坊 Ethereum软件的早期版本, 现在分开管理)。 

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Cardano’s primary use case is to allow transactions in its native cryptocurrency, ADA, and to enable developers to build secure decentralized applications powered by it.


However, Cardano differs from other blockchain projects by emphasizing a research-driven approach to design, aiming to achieve an academic rigor it believes will propel adoption of its technology.


While Cardano may not promise new ground-breaking features, users and developers may find its cryptocurrency offers appealing optimizations based on scientific research and formal verification, a process by which its code is verified mathematically.


Further, Cardano is released in phases and has seen 5 major platform upgrades since 2017, including Byron, which enabled the transfer for ADA cryptocurrency for the first time and Voltaire, which introduced a new model for how users could fund development for software changes.

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Ethereum was created with the intention of becoming a global, open-source platform for custom assets and new kinds of economic applications.


Considered to be one of the most ambitious blockchain projects to date, Ethereum seeks to leverage blockchain technology to decentralize products and services in a wide range of use cases beyond money.


To date, Ethereum has seen a few distinct phases that have emphasized different aspects of its capabilities.


First, entrepreneurs flocked to Ethereum in 2017 during its famous “ICO boom”, where creators would try to raise money for new projects using new assets on the Ethereum blockchain.During this time, Ethereum was seen as something of a global capital allocator and funding mechanism.


A new phase of Ethereum, called decentralized finance (DeFi), has started garnering attention in 2020. This movement saw the creation of decentralized applications (dapps) intended to automate financial services like lending or borrowing without the need for a traditional bank or intermediary.

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Cardano is maintained by three separate and independent organizations.


The Cardano Foundation oversees development of the Cardano blockchain.


IOHK built Cardano and designed Ouroboros, the proof-of-stake algorithm Cardano uses to operate its network.


Emurgo helps encourage enterprises and larger organizations to adopt Cardano’s technology.


At the time of its launch, approximately 31 billion ADA were created, nearly 26 billion of which were sold to investors by a Japan-based company hired to manage the sale. Participants were able to purchase vouchers that could later be exchanged for ADA on the software’s release.

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维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)将以太坊Ethereum设想为一台 "世界计算机",让任何人都可以在其上启动和运行应用程序。.


这个想法是由一个非营利组织--以太坊基金会推动的, 该基金会在当时以众筹方式售出了7200万以太坊ETH的加密货币,并筹集了1800万美元。



Gavin Wood,Jeff Wilke,Joseph Lubin和Charles Hoskinson等开发人员对以太坊技术作岀了有意义的贡献, 亦使他们成为区块链生态系统中的重要人物。

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To secure its network, Cardano uses Ouroboros, a consensus mechanism similar to Proof of Stake (PoS) ones that enables users to validate transactions and earn newly minted ADA.


Ouroboros divides time into epochs and slots, where epochs are the overarching time frames, and slots are 20-second increments within epochs.


Within each slot, a slot leader is randomly chosen and is responsible for choosing the blocks that get added to the blockchain.


Once the epoch has ended, the previous slot leaders elect the slot leaders of the next epoch.

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In order to create dapps, developers write programs, called smart contracts, and deploy this code to the Ethereum blockchain. These dapps are essentially large constructions of smart contracts that can be set in motion if and when specific outcomes are met.


Similar to Bitcoin, Ethereum employs Proof of Work (PoW) mining to power its blockchain.


However, the network is in the process of migrating towards Ethereum 2.0, at which time it plans to alter its consensus mechanism to an alternative called Proof of Stake (PoS).


Under this model, any user who owns a minimum of 32 ETH could lock those funds in a contract and earn rewards for solving computations needed to add new blocks to the blockchain. 

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Ether (ETH) is the main cryptocurrency powering Ethereum. Similar to Bitcoin, ETH is minted in every block and distributed to its miners.


However, where Bitcoin has a limited supply, Ethereum does not place a limit on the amount of ETH that can be minted, and its supply is programmed to increase by 4.5% each year.

Notably, changes to the monetary policy are proposed by developers and voted on by nodes and miners running the software.


The Ethereum blockchain is also powered by another cryptographic function called “gas,” which is a special computational unit used for the computation fees. Of note, the more complex the computation, the more gas a given program will require.

Useful resources

如您有兴趣了解更多关于艾达币和以太坊的信息,请访问Kraken的 什么是艾达币? 和什么是以太坊? 页面


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