Ethereum vs. Bitcoin
If you’re just getting started investing in cryptocurrency, you’ve more than likely heard of Bitcoin and Ethereum, two of the biggest blockchains in terms of value and influence.
You’ve probably even stumbled across this page in the hopes of getting an understanding of what makes Ethereum and Bitcoin different. Well, it so happens that comparing Ethereum vs Bitcoin is a great way to learn not just that, but also about crypto assets in general.
Let’s start with a 10,000-foot view.
While this may be an oversimplification of how these two incredibly complex networks work, the goal of this article is to give you a side-by-side comparison of Bitcoin and Ethereum so you can start to better understand and appreciate the differences yourself.
如何运作 比特币 和以太坊
The Bitcoin white paper was published on October 31, 2008 on the cryptography mailing list. The software later went live on January 9, 2009.
The Ethereum white paper was published in late 2013 and the software went live in July 2015. In 2021, the network is scheduled to complete an extensive overhaul of its software that will bring it closer to the completion of its roadmap.
Bitcoin was created by a pseudonymous individual or group under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. To this day, Bitcoin’s creator remains unknown.
Ethereum was created by 19-year-old Vitalik Buterin (with many others contributing to its code). Buterin was previously a founder at the publication Bitcoin Magazine and a 2014 Theil Fellow.
BTC (注:您可能会看到BTC在其他平台上显示为XBT。)
ETH (注: ETC是以太坊软件的早期版本, 现在已分开管理)。
Bitcoin is an open-source software that allows its global user base to manage a digital money supply outside the control of any government or central bank.
It was created in response to the 2008 global economic crisis as a means to combat inflation. In fact, the first mined block contained the message: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks,” a message many believe signifies the project’s revolutionary intent.
The Bitcoin software enables the computers running it to manage a ledger (the blockchain) that accounts for all transactions made using its currency (BTC) by enforcing a variety of rules.
The Bitcoin blockchain is a full record of the network’s transaction history validated by nodes, or individuals running its software. This ensures that each BTC cannot be copied or modified, and that bitcoins cannot be created or used in a way that is against its rules.
Bitcoins are scarce, divisible and transferable, making them a valuable alternative money.
首先,在2017年著名的“ ICO热潮”期间,企业家涌向以太坊, 而创作者们利用以太坊区块链上的新资产为新项目筹集资金。并且在这段时间里,以太坊被视为一种全球资本分配和融资的机制。
以太坊的一个新阶段,即去中心化金融(DeFi),在2020年已经开始获得关注。 在这阶段中,去中心化的应用程序dapps则应运而生,其目的是在不需要传统银行或中介机构的情况下实现借贷等金融服务的自动化。
Bitcoin’s white paper, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” , was released by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.
The first 50 bitcoins were mined upon the release of the software, enabling a decentralized network of computers to run a digital economy that is still thriving today.
Satoshi famously left the project in 2011 and hasn’t been heard of since, though you can find out more about his (or her) attitudes toward the technology in various emails and forum posts.
Since then, hundreds of developers have contributed to improving Bitcoin’s code, whether it is routine bug fixes or great, efficiency driven, improvements.
维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)将以太坊设想为一台 "世界计算机",让任何人都可以在其上启动和运行应用程序。
这个想法是由一个非营利组织--以太坊基金会推动的, 该基金会在当时以众筹方式售出了7200万以太坊ETH的加密货币,并筹集了1800万美元。nbsp;
Gavin Wood,Jeff Wilke,Joseph Lubin和Charles Hoskinson等开发人员对以太坊技术作岀了有意义的贡献, 亦使他们成为区块链生态系统中的重要人物。
在这个被称为工作量证明(PoW)的系统中 , 矿工们会竞相完成密码学谜题,以提出构成比特币区块链的区块。
然而,该网络正在迈向以太坊2.0,它计划将其共识机制转换成一个名为 权益证明(PoS)的机制 (PoS)。
注意:希望质押少于32 ETH的参与者可以使用Kraken的质押平台 并获得部分质押奖励。
One of the biggest value propositions of Bitcoin is its monetary policy – only 21 million BTC will ever be introduced into the network’s economy.
When the first block was mined in 2009, 50 BTC were released, a block reward that is cut in half roughly every four years. This event is known as the halving, or halvening.
Through this process, more than 18 million BTC have been made available as of 2020. The last bitcoin is projected to be mined in 2140.
Ether (ETH) is the main cryptocurrency powering Ethereum. Similar to Bitcoin, ETH is minted in every block and distributed to its miners.
However, where Bitcoin has a limited supply, Ethereum does not place a limit on the amount of ETH that can be minted, and its supply is programmed to increase by 4.5% each year.
Notably, changes to the monetary policy are proposed by developers and voted on by nodes and miners running the software.
The Ethereum blockchain is also powered by another cryptographic function called “gas,” which is a special computational unit used for the computation fees. Of note, the more complex the computation, the more gas a given program will require.
如您有兴趣了解更多关于比特币和以太坊的信息,请访问Kraken的 “什么是比特币?” 和 “什么是以太坊?” 的页面。
如果您想了解更多关于支持每个区块链的共识机制, 那么请快速前往“工作证明 vs. 权益证明<” 的页面!
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