如何安全地存储加密货币 🔐
相反,您拥有的任何加密货币的访问权限均存储在数字钱包中。这些钱包通常是类似于 USB 驱动器的软件应用程序或物理设备,用于保管有关用户资金的信息。
您可以在以下文章中了解更多关于加密钱包的信息,Web3 钱包:完整指南。
加密钱包如何运作 🤷♂️
- 公钥
- 私钥
加密货币安全性最佳实践 📋
To safeguard your assets and ensure you don’t fall foul to common crypto-based scams, there are a number of steps you should familiarize yourself with.
Never keep digital copies of private keys/seed phrases
As mentioned above, private keys and seed phrases are vitally important pieces of information for accessing and recovering a person’s crypto wallet.
When making copies of this sensitive data, it’s imperative that users manually write the codes down on paper or make use of several metal plate products available for recording crypto keys. These can then be secured in a fireproof or waterproof safe that’s bolted to the floor for maximum protection.
Taking a screenshot, sending phrases or keys to yourself in an email or texting them to a trusted person are common ways people make it easy for cybercriminals to access sensitive crypto information.
Minimize assets held on crypto and DeFi platforms
For active traders and DeFi users, crypto assets will most likely need to be deposited on to a trading platform or put to work in a DeFi protocol such as a liquidity pool at some point.
Assets held on centralized crypto platforms often sit in online crypto wallets controlled by the underlying platform. This isolates huge amounts of crypto funds in a single place, making them a hot target for hackers.
Billions of dollars have been stolen from crypto trading platform hacks due to poor security measures surrounding these online wallets. Kraken remains one of the very few leading tradng venues that has never been breached. Nevertheless, it’s recommended that users never hold all their funds on any single crypto trading platform.
With DeFi protocols, a user’s assets are held in smart contracts written and deployed by a protocol’s development team. In many instances, smart contracts have been found to contain exploitable loopholes which permit hackers to manipulate them. There have even been cases where fraudulent backdoors have allowed a protocol’s team to make off with users’ funds.
Much like with centralized trading platforms, it’s advisable that DeFi users should only hold a percentage of their digital wealth in any given DeFi protocol to mitigate the risk of fraud or theft.
Enable two-factor authentication
To add an additional layer of security to your email and crypto accounts, two factor authentication (2FA) is advisable.
2FA is available through Google Authenticator and several other similarly available apps. These apps provide passcodes that self-destruct and renew every 10 seconds or so. Specific codes are linked to each of your accounts and make it increasingly difficult for a hacker to access them.
Like the seed phrases used with crypto wallets, backup codes for these apps can be generated to recover master accounts onto new devices.
Avoid disclosing crypto holdings
Whether you’re actively involved in online forums or speaking to friends in a public setting, it’s recommended crypto holders never disclose their holdings to anyone.
Telling people you own an amount of crypto can make you a target for criminals. Even a number of high profile Youtube crypto influencers have been targeted by criminals and had their assets siphoned after leaking information regarding their holdings.
In more extreme examples, individuals have been take hostage and forced to hand over their crypto assets after criminals learned about their holdings.
加密钱包的类型 ⚔️
- 热钱包。
- 冷钱包。
这一类别的加密钱包永久连接到互联网;想想基于浏览器的加密钱包,如 MetaMask 或 Coinbase 钱包,或者像 Exodus 这样的软件钱包。
领先的冷钱包制造商包括 Ledger 和 Trezor。
加密货币安全威胁 ⚠️
- 加密货币馈赠诈骗:这种类型的骗局在 Twitter 和 Youtube 等热门平台上很常见。它们通常涉及利用包含有影响力的著名人物的图像的虚假个人资料,并声称会自动将任何存入指定钱包地址的加密货币翻倍。事实是,存入钱包的资金被取走,资产也无法退回。
设置额外的虚假个人资料账户,假装是通过该计划“成功”将资产翻倍的人,从而为骗局增添可信度。 - 网络钓鱼电子邮件:数据泄露在数字时代并不是什么新鲜事,多年来,基于加密货币的公司已经发生了多起引人注目的数据泄露事件。Ledger、OpenSea 和 Celsius Network 等公司都发生过数据泄露,导致其客户的个人数据遭到第三方的访问。
一旦电子邮件地址等数据泄露,受影响的用户通常会收到大量来自看似官方来源的消息,要求他们重新提交敏感信息或提供登录详情。在某些情况下,还包含恶意链接,这些链接会用针对加密钱包的恶意软件感染主机的设备。 - 庞氏骗局:加密货币的波动性使其成为试图寻找“快速致富”机会的交易者具有吸引力的投资工具。利用这种投机心理,出现了一大堆庞氏骗局,声称投资者几乎不费吹灰之力就能获得极高的回报率。
在进行任何投资之前,每个人的尽职调查都应该包含一份简单的检查表,无论是与加密货币还是其他方面相关。该检查表应包括以下检查事项,平台团队是否易于识别?Linkedin 或其他社交媒体渠道是否可用?是否在网站上明确列出该平台产生高回报的机制?是否可以从平台上取款?
Bitconnect 是前十大加密货币之一,也是基于加密货币的庞氏骗局的一个著名例子,该骗局在 2016 年至 2018 年间欺骗了数千名加密货币投资者,窃取了价值超过 20 亿美元的资产。尽管拥有一个令人信服的网站和面向公众的推广团队,但却从未展示其核心团队,其“自动化交易机器人”也没有像所描述的那样用于产生利润。
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