Guida introduttiva
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Esempi di riserve di valore
Precious Metals as a Store of Value
Bitcoin Store of Value
Other stores of value
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Riserve di valore

By Kraken Learn team
4 min
10 dic 2024
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Guida introduttiva

Il termine "riserva di valore" viene spesso utilizzato per descrivere il Bitcoin, ma cosa significa? 

Per cominciare, qualsiasi asset può essere considerato una riserva di valore se ci si aspetta che mantenga il suo potere d'acquisto. Ciò significa che gli asset "riserva di valore" devono rimanere stabili o aumentare di valore, rimanendo utili anche in futuro. 

Esistono diverse proprietà comuni agli asset considerati una buona riserva di valore, anche se non tutte sono necessarie:

  • Accettabilità: il valore dell'asset è riconosciuto da un'ampia percentuale del mercato
  • Durata: è probabile che l'asset sia accettato dal mercato in qualsiasi momento.
  • Liquidità: l'asset può essere facilmente riscattato in cambio di un'ampia gamma di altri asset. 
  • Scarsità: l'offerta di un asset è quantificabile ed è improbabile che aumenti in modo significativo. 

Le riserve di valore sono utilizzate dagli investitori più avversi al rischio, in quanto la loro tesi d'investimento principale è che vi sia una domanda perpetua e stabile per tale asset.

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Esempi di riserve di valore

Now that you have an overview of what a store of value is, it is important to note that investors tend to diversify their wealth among different stores of value.

Let's dive into some store of value examples.


The most common example of a store of value remains traditional government monies thanks to their durability, liquidity, portability and acceptability. 

Importantly, currencies are able to retain purchasing power over time while being the most liquid medium of exchange, meaning that anyone can exchange it for goods and services at any time. 

Of note, government currencies do tend to slowly lose purchasing power due to inflation (caused by the continued increase of their circulating supplies), a fact which has led to criticisms against government monies by cryptocurrency and bitcoin proponents. 

It should also be noted that most government currencies benefit from a lack of market competition, as laws and regulations often stipulate commerce occurring within a nation’s borders be conducted with a specific currency. 

Precious Metals as a Store of Value

Precious metals, such as gold, silver and platinum, are the most commonly used stores of value due to their scarcity, durability and acceptability.

Economies have historically used precious metals to facilitate trade, with many countries initially backing their paper currencies with these naturally occurring commodities. 

Under the “gold standard,” a consumer could even redeem their government money for ounces of gold whenever they wished to. However, most governments today no longer adhere to the gold standard.

Bitcoin Store of Value

Bitcoin is perceived as a strong store of value due to its scarcity, transferability and durability. 

In fact, Bitcoin is often referred to as “digital gold” as it shares many of the same features as its precious metal counterpart. Bitcoin as digital gold is viewed as more divisible and fungible than traditional gold assets. 

Another important characteristic is its ability to operate as a good medium of exchange globally, thanks to its divisibility and scarcity. Unlike any other digital goods before it, Bitcoin was able to trade on an open market with the guarantee it could not be copied or spent twice.

Other stores of value

Over time, there have been countless attempts at stores of value, ranging from sea shells to barrels of whiskey to anything in between. 

Today, a popular form of store of value can be found in collectibles, such as trading cards and real estate, which are both scarce and desirable in their respective markets. 

Taking it a step further, there is a growing demand for the digital version of collectibles called non-fungible tokens (NFT), unique cryptographic tokens representing these collectibles, which, like cryptocurrencies, can be bought, sold and exchanged over the internet without middlemen.

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Risorse utili

Se vuoi saperne di più su cosa rende il Bitcoin e gli NFT dei buoni depositi di valore, visita le pagine "<a href="/learn/what-is-bitcoin-btc">Che cos'è il Bitcoin?" e "<a href="/learn/what-are-non-fungible-tokens-nft">Che cosa sono i token non fungibili?Centro di apprendimento . 

Se vuoi saperne di più sulle altre criptovalute, puoi anche visitare la pagina di Kraken con le guide alle criptovalute e controllare i prezzi.